Tuesday, 27 October 2009

A Poem For You

2 years with all of you,
I'm not the same person anymore.

my love is not a trade item,
my trust is priceless.

With you I've learnt to love myself,
with you I've learnt about true friendship,
with you I've learnt being competitive,
with you I've learnt love is for the one who love you,
with you I become more optimist,
with you I'm comfortable in my own skin,
with you I learnt about life,
with you I feel home.

This poem is for the 23 of you.
You made me who I am today.
Without you, my life will be dull.

You know who you are,


Sunday, 6 September 2009

Moga Sahaja

Moga malam ini tidur ku adalah tidur paling panjang.
Moga malam ini aku diserap ke dalam mimpi.
Dalam mimpi yang indah.
Moga esok aku tidak bangun terus,
untuk melihat neraka dunia.


Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Bila Aku Bilang Aku Cinta

Bila aku bilang aku cinta
akan aku belai
akan aku manja
akan aku cinta seluruhnya.

Bila aku bilang aku cinta
akan aku jaga
akan aku pelihara
akan aku simpan selamanya.

Bila aku bilang aku cimta
aku tak dapat bohong
apa aku rasa
apa aku ada
kerana ia sudah terpancar
di wajah aku
di cakap aku
di bahasa tubuh aku.

Bila aku bilang aku cinta
maknanya akan aku cinta sampai bila-bila.
Habisnya bila aku tak tahu.
100 tahun lagi kah?
1000 tahun lagi kah?
Aku tak tahu.
Mungkin kekal, mungkin tidak.
Aku tak tahu.
Yang pasti hentinya cinta bila kau hempas hati ini.


Monday, 29 June 2009


Bila malam datang aku teringat kamu...
dan masa-masa indah kita yang lama dulu.

Lalu satu persoalan muncul.
Kenapa hubungan itu hancur?
Mana pergi cinta?
Mana hilang rasa?
Mana lari percaya?

Tidakku tahu kenapa ini timbul.
Mungkin aku ingin bertemu dan bercakap sama kamu lagi.



Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Angin Petang 24 Jun

Keganasan angin yang Kau kirimkan siang tadi
membuatkan aku ingin terus berada dalam keadaan paling rendah.
Akan tetapi keadaanku tidak mengizinkan.
Aku kotor hari ini.

Tuhan, hari akhir itu sudah hampirkah?
Nanti dulu Tuhan.
Amalku belum cukup untuk mengelak hitam di dahi.


Monday, 18 May 2009

*Teacher's Day

I may not be the fruit of your womb,
but you already like my own parent.
My second parent to be exact.

You didn't just teach me
ABC nor 123,
or y=mx+c,
or the Pascal's Principle,
or the locomotion of earthworms,
or C2H4 is ethene.
You teach me more than that.
You teach me how to be a better person.
You teach me about life, love and many more.

I may rebel sometimes.
I may skip your classes and didn't do the work.
Even worse, I may talk bad about you behind you.
But just so you know,
no matter if its big or little what you've taught me,
long or short period,
wherever I go,
I'll remember what you did to me.
Each and bits of it.

Thank you, teachers!
Happy Teacher's Day


Monday, 11 May 2009

*Mother's Day

I may not be as good as before.
I may not the perfect daughter.
I may disobey you sometime.
I may dislike you sometime.
But whatever it is, whenever it is, wherever it is,
you're my and only mother.
From the bottom of my heart, I love you.

Happy Mother's Day, Umi.


Thursday, 16 April 2009

When I Was A Little Girl

When I was a little girl,
I used to dream to travel around the world.
To see other culture.
To see the other side of mountains.
To see the beauty of the world.
To be able to walk without failure.

When I was a little girl,
I dream and I achieve.
Now, all I can do is just dream.
I don't know if I still have a piece of that little girl.

I want to be able to dream and achieve again.
Dream and achieve.


Friday, 3 April 2009

Untuk Seorang Aku

Untuk seorang aku,
jatuh cinta bukan mudah.
Aku perlu rasa yang dalam
yang ikhlas, yang luhur.
Bukan rasa yang pura-pura.
Aku bukan lagi dia yang senang jatuh cinta
hanya kerana kata-kata manis.

Untuk seorang aku,
pelajaran bukan mudah.
Aku bukan anak-anak pintar.
Aku perlu ruang belajar.
Aku perlu betul-betul memahami sesuatu itu.

Untuk seorang aku,
kehidupan bukan mudah.
Aku bukan anak hartawan.
Aku hanya anak pekerja kerajaan.
Aku tidak dilimpahi dengan harta yang banyak.
Aku tidak dimanjakan dengan material.

Untuk seorang aku,
segalanya bukan mudah.
Tetapi, ianya tidak mustahil.


Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Angin Petang

Sesepoi bahasa ia datang.
Sentuhan selembut sutera ia beri.
Menerbang lalu pasir, dedaun di laman.
Bagai menerbangkan juga kusut di hati.
Bukan kusut seorang.
Tetapi kusut kami bersama.

Alangkah bagus jika selalu datang.


Thursday, 26 February 2009


Sekarang tengah hujan.
Lebat sangat.

Bau itu.
Bau hujan.

Aku suka.
Buat aku tenang.


Aku Mahu Ke Sana

Mahu hati ini
ke sebalik
gunung sana.

Mana tahu.
rumput di sana
lebih hijau.
segala di sana
lebih baik.

Mana yahu.

apakan daya.
Kudrat ku tiada.
hanya separuh perjalanan
patah sudah semangat ku.



Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Portion Of My Heart

Yeah, so it has been years
since we broke up.

It was the relationship that I regret the most.

You cheated on me.
You lied to me.
You played me.
Not with one, not two.
But three girls!

You've took a portion of my heart.
Now I'm asking for it back.
Return it to me.

Because you don't deserve it.
Because you don't know how to appreciate it.

Yeah, I know that portion of my heart,
were broken to million pieces.
But give it back to me,
each and every pieces of it.

Someone willing to glue it back to its place.


Told ya he still somewhere at the corner of my mind.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Paper Plane

It has been months
since we talk to each other.

What is happening to us?
I thought we were okay.
I thought we were still friends.

If I did anything, I'm sorry.
If I did hurt you, I'm sorry.

So I send you a paper plane
to help me send the message
'I love you. We'll always be friends. So forgive me if I did wrong.'

Wind help me to fly this paper plane.
Blow it to that particular person.
Blow it...Blow it...Blow it...

So I send you a paper plane,
a paper plane.

Paper plane.


Thinking to ask my sister to turn this into a song.
She plays guitar.

Friday, 13 February 2009

You Say Your Life Sucks

You live in a house,
full with comfy furniture,
complete with electricity,
even better with internet connection.
And you say your life sucks.

You go to school,
full with facilities,
complete with dedicated teachers,
even better with schoolmates.
And you say your life sucks.

You have a family,
full with laughters and jokes,
complete with grannies, uncles, aunties, cousins, nephews and nieces.
even better with everybody being happy.
And you say your life sucks.

You live in a good area,
full with facilities,
complete with shopping mall and transportation,
even better with cool neighbours.
And you say your life sucks.

You have everything.
Yet you say your life sucks.


Ingat mereka di negara yang berperang.
Tolong mereka apa yang boleh.
Sekecil-kecilnya adalah doa.
Mari. Kita sama-sama.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009


For so long,
I live in twilight.
Without someone,
who I really need,
who I really trully need.
Now I see the shine,
shone from your eyes.
And I know,
you're the one I need,
trully need.


Ni untuk korang2 yang dekat 30 orang. Yang memang tiada ganti sampai bila pun.
Yang paling: nakal, bising, kelakar, menyakitkan hati, sayang, suka, handsome, cute, cantik, kuat makan, menyenangkan, pandai, dll
Ada antara korang yang tau aku menulis. Siap panggil aku jiwang lagi.
Tapi apa2 pun, aku sayang korang ye. :)

Monday, 5 January 2009

Tak Ada Awak, Semua Jadi Lain.

Hari pertama sekolah.
Awak tak ada.
Rasa lain.

Kita senyap.
Dia senyap.
Ada dia tu, lagi senyap.
Senang cerita, semua senyap lah.
Kurang bercakap.
Kalau ada lawak pun,
macam hambar.

kita nak kasi tau ni.
Kita semua sayang awak.
Kita semua rindu awak.

Awak tak ada, semua jadi lain.
Rehat dan balik sekolah jadi lain.
Nanti, masa sukan jadi lain.
Nanti, basketball dah tak ada fun kalau awak tak ada.

Hajar, lain tau.


Mmg kita xrapat sgt dgn awk. Tapi awk antara kwn perempuan yg jujur dgn kita.
Kalau bkn psl awk, mungkin sampai hari ni kita still pakai tudung hitam. haha.
Igt lg tak masa hari skn masa kita darjah5 dulu. Kita harap awak igt. Sbb seigt kita, tu antara masa2 1st kita ckp dgn awk. :')
Jgn lupa kita org eyh?

ps: kita nangis tau buat ni.